Feature Thousand Words Widescreen

Zombiefest (continued)

Zombiefest is living proof (no pun intended) that a little inspiration, lots of ingenuity and a die hard love for the movies can bring about some very offbeat results.

Feature Thousand Words Widescreen


Ardent film fans rarely limit their love for movies to just watching their particular favourites on the big screen. Action figures, tie in novelisations, games, extras loaded special edition DVD’s, posters and tee shirts are just a sample of off screen merchandising that exists to further cement a films place in the hearts of it’s […]

Feature Thousand Words

Spotlight: On the Road Around the World

Whilst the ‘road movie’ most readily conjures up images of the ever changing social and physical landscape of America, from Easy Rider to Little Miss Sunshine, it is by no means limited to one nation’s collective experiences. All around the World, from Australia to Scandinavia and all places in between, the genre has attracted all […]


Recommended: Le Salaire de la Peur (The Wages of Fear) – Henri-Georges Clouzot, 1953

Four desperate men, two trucks packed with explosives, one suicidal mission – the tagline for the next Hollywood Blockbuster starring the latest action hero? Nope, it’s as far from that as it can get. French, with a jazz crooner (Yves Montand) for a leading man, as concerned with inter-personal relationships as it is with action […]


Screengem: The V8 Interceptor (The Road Warrior, 1981)

When Federal highway police officer Max Rockatansky is finally driven over the edge by the outlaw biker gang that mows down his wife, child and best friend, he knows he needs a vehicle capable of outrunning his enemies. Consumed by a murderous rage ‘Mad’ Max heads to the Halls of Justice to collect just one […]


Spotlight: Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

To coincide with the Big Picture magazine’s issue 9 theme of ‘The Road’, Neil Mitchell dons desert style goggles and cap to revisit the legendary Mint 400 off-road race (incidentally) featured in Terry Gilliam’s 1998 trip-tastic film Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. Terry Gilliam’s adaptation of the late Hunter S. Thompson’s ‘unfilmable’ novel Fear […]

Feature Reel World

Reel World: Quadrophenia

The notorious clashes between the warring tribes of Mods and Rockers during the 1960s formed the centrepiece of Franc Roddam’s loose adaptation of The Who’s 1973 ‘rock opera’ double album of the same name. The opposing youth cults descended on England’s seaside resorts on bank holiday ‘weekenders’, often with violent and chaotic consequences for themselves, […]

Feature Thousand Words

Spotlight: Emotionless Assassins

Cinema has showcased all kinds of killers, but none disturbs audiences quite as a much as the emotionless assassin. Neil Mitchell takes a look at five films that feature murderous automatons that absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead. No Country for Old Men (2007) Directors: Ethan & Joel Coen When Anton Chigurh […]

Feature Thousand Words

Spotlight: Red Planet (Science fiction films of the cold war era)

During the Cold War, the threat of alien invasion in US science fiction films was often a metaphor for the threat posed by those pesky Commies. Neil Mitchell performs an alien autopsy on six excellent examples. The Thing from Another World (1951) Director: Christian Nyby Loosely adapted from John W. Campbell Jr.’s sci-fi novella Who […]

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