Fashion & Film Feature Interview

La Gomera: In Conversation with Costume Designer Dana Paparuz

On a little island in the Canaries with very rocky terrain that in times past made communication very difficult in the absence of modern day technology, the locals invented a whistling language, a whistled version of Spanish, “El Silbo”, that is still being used today. That was the idea where Corneliu Porumboiu’s latest film originated. […]

Feature Interview

The art of the film poster: Interview with illustrator Tony Stella

How can you reimagine some of the best classic movies and give them new life? How can you visually capture the essence of a film? How can you embody a film’s cult status? How can you own a part of a movie you love? How do you add to the cultural significance of film language […]

Fashion & Film Feature Interview

La enfermedad del domingo – In conversation with Costume Designer Clara Bilbao

We first see Anabel walking the halls of her palatial home impeccably dressed for the evening and wearing towering heels. She stumbles briefly. A subtle but distinct foreshadow of her imperfect perfect life, a preordained sense of future events. Anabel (Susi Sánchez, the recipient of this year’s Best Actress Goya Award for her performance) abandoned […]

Feature Interview

Seeing race through a new lens: how a 22-year old filmmaker is challenging identity in America

While countless college freshman spent their days deciding which clubs and societies to join and whether they should major in Biology or Economics, filmmaker Orlando Pinder decided he was going to change the world.  Now 22 and a senior at Chicago’s Columbia College, he has made a wide range of short films and music videos, […]

Fashion & Film Feature Interview

Fashion & Film: In conversation with costume designer Sabrina Riccardi

During the making of La Chinoise, Jean-Luc Godard – the renowned pioneer of the Nouvelle Vague –  fell in love with actress Anne Wiazemsky and later married her. She was his muse and his wife for 12 years. Adapted from Anne’s own memoirs, One Year After, Le Redoutable is structured around Wiazemsky and Godard’s marriage, but set largely […]

Interview Music & Film

The Sounds of Terror: A Conversation with Charlie Clouser

Charlie Clouser is a Grammy-nominated multi-instrumentalist composer, musician, producer, programmer, and remix artist who has worked with some of the most influential names in the music industry over the last few decades. Charlie gained widespread recognition as a member of Nine Inch Nails from 1994 to 2000, but before that had already built a following […]

Feature Interview

Widescreen: Cinema Pameer – Interview with Martin von Krogh

Martin von Krogh is an award winning photojournalist whose work for Newsweek took him to Kabul, the conflict-ridden capital of Afghanistan. Martin’s film Cinema Pameer is about the passion of those running and visiting the eponymous cinema, and their love of film in a difficult and frequently dangerous environment. With the help of Kickstarter funders, […]

Feature Interview

Interview: Jack Durieux and Nautilus Art Prints

’20,000 Leagues Under the Sea’ detail by Jonathan Burton Set up in 2014, Nautilus Art Prints is a small but dedicated operation that releases carefully screen printed, limited edition posters, which aim to re-interpret great moments of European popular culture. Drawing on a rich tradition of craft and creativity, NAP – based in Brussels and […]

Feature Interview

Interview: Matthew Chojnacki’s, author of Alternative Movie Posters: Film Art from the Underground

Alternative Movie Posters: Film Art from the Underground Erin Pearson chats to Matthew Chojnacki about a film posters book that breathes new life into the artform. Matthew Chojnacki’s book Alternative Movie Posters: Film Art from the Underground, is a collection of around 200 film one-sheets by a range of artists who demonstrate remarkable talent and […]

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