Joanna Hogg’s second feature film follows in the footsteps of her first. Like Unrelated (2007), Archipelago (2010) is a brutally realist study of affluent people on holiday. However, instead of Italy, Hogg’s new fictional British family travels to the Isles of Scilly, returning to a much-beloved cottage for the final time before Edward (Tom Hiddleston) […]
Tag: Joanna Hogg
New Release: The Souvenir
If there is one film this year that is currently ripping Film Twitter apart at the seams, it’s Joanna Hogg’s wonderfully lush, but problematic The Souvenir (2019). It’s a love-me-or-hate-me -movie due to the subjective experience of watching it. It’s quintessentially British in its relation to class; painfully aware of it but unable to solve […]