Feature Thousand Words

Spotlight: Animal Kingdom

Cleaver Patterson and Kieron Moore pull out their binoculars for a close-up look at some of the movies where the animal kingdom takes centre stage. NATIONAL VELVET (1944) Dir. Clarence Brown When young horse fanatic Velvet Brown first sets eyes upon a magnificent gelding she calls The Pie, she falls in love and dreams of […]


Play: Minimal Movie Posters

In an attempt to make the internet a more exciting place, The Big Picture has created a new game. The rules are as follows: Use one or two colours only. One typeface. Graphic elements only (no photographs or images). Include the name of film and the director. If you fancy having a go for yourself, […]


Play: 50/50

The rules are simple but the answers may be a trifle harder. Simply name both the actor and the film pictured. To reveal the answers, click on the image. Best of luck! Join in the conversation @BigPicFilmMag #50/50


Issue 22 is out!

The spring 2014 issue is here and boy, it sure is worth the wait! The Spring 2014 issue’s theme of The Big Picture is ‘Wild Screen’ looking at where the Animal Kingdom and the Movies collide. This issue promises a whole heap of insightful features to satiate your cinematic hunger. Along with the roundup of […]

Feature Thousand Words

Spotlight: Gods and Monsters – Why the heroes and villains of the screen can’t be like us

There’s a good chance that a rebellious loner gave you your first taste of cinematic adrenalin, because above all, we’re looking for someone to root for. Someone who, whether real or fictional, seems larger than life. There’s troubled teenybopper idols Brando, Dean and Clift, Jimmy Cagney shooting his way to the top of the world, […]

Lost Classic Reviews

Lost Classic: The Hill (Dir. Sidney Lumet, 1965)

Earlier this year, Clint Eastwood’s 80th birthday heralded a major celebration and retrospective for one of cinema’s most cherished elder statesmen. On 25th August, Sean Connery reaches the same milestone, but it’s doubtful it will be marked with anything like the same fanfare. Connery remains eternally underrated. Forever associated with James Bond, it’s become assumed […]

Brilliant Failure Reviews

Brilliant Failure: Immortal (Ad Vitam) (Enki Bilal, 2004)

Celluloid gospel has it that Fritz Lang was inspired to make Metropolis when he first glimpsed the skyline of New York. Though in reality Lang was well into the planning stages for his dystopia, the skyscrapers and busy highways of New York without a doubt ground the film in reality. Three quarters of a century […]


Screengem: Tattoo You

The body as object in Charles Laughton’s gothic masterpiece The Night of The Hunter: Caroline Burns Cooke looks at Robert Mitchum’s Love / Hate tattoos – the perfect embodiment of the duality of nature in screen villainy. When Robert Mitchum’s Preacher drives onto the screen, inked paws clutching the steering wheel, he discourses confidently with […]

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