Fashion & Film Feature

Fashion & Film: The Camel Coat Throughout Cinema

Ali MacGraw in Love Story 1970s Ivy League campus… 1960s industrial Milan… 1950s Hollywood… Very different backdrops to very different different movie stories, united by a sartorial canon that advances the concept of style, regardless of character, story, or decade: the camel coat. The timing couldn’t be more perfect to look at this item, as […]

Fashion & Film Feature

Fashion & Film: From Connery to Craig – the style of James Bond

Sean Connery in Dr. No; Daniel Craig in Casino Royale Men are lucky. Not only does an innate sense of style seem to run amok among our male counterparts, but should they ever feel short of sartorial inspiration, then they have James Bond to emulate. It is Bond’s legendary style that has us talking today […]

Fashion & Film Feature

Fashion & Film: Audrey Hepburn in Two for the Road (1967)

Bold, bright colours were a 60s leitmotif, capturing the decade’s optimistic, independent spirit. The big white-framed Oliver Goldsmith sunglasses were an Audrey Hepburn trademark. This look is the perfect juxtaposition of the two, the feverish sixties and Audrey’s singular style – she knew how to lend an elegant spin even to the extravagant clothes that […]

Fashion & Film Feature

Fashion & Film: Marilyn Monroe in The Seven Year Itch (1955)

When Marilyn Monroe leaves the screen, so does our interest. Toned down from its Broadway origins thanks to the Hollywood Production Code, The Seven Year Itch still manages to be a good comedy – largely due to Marilyn. And it’s not only thanks to her apotheosis-of-sex-appeal look and that particular iconic scene – Marilyn standing […]

Fashion & Film Feature

Fashion & Film: Alain Delon in Le Samouraï (1967)

Style. This is a key argument in Le Samouraï. We are first introduced to Jef Costello, the main character, in his austere, dark, bare room. Fully dressed, he is lying stiffly on the bed and starts puffing on a cigarette. After a while, he gets up and, before going out, puts on his trench coat and fedora […]

Fashion & Film Feature

Fashion & Film: Gene Tierney in Leave Her to Heaven (1946)

The notoriously perturbing boat scene on the lake in Leave Her to Heaven (John Stahl, 1946) is impossible to forget – thanks to Gene Tierney, of course. A truly exceptional femme fatale, she’s at her very best in the role of psychotic Ellen Berent, delivering a layered, riveting performance. Gene’s angelic beauty and her unblinking cruelty are […]

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