Feature News

Film Posters Competition: The Winner Is…

Thank you to all the readers who entered our recent competition. The winner of the three festive film posters, provided by Park Circus films, is Chris Payne, who had this to say about his favourite Christmas film, The Muppets Christmas Carol (1992): Who doesn’t love The Muppets? Jim Henson’s decision to cast them in Charles […]

Feature News

Competition: Win Christmas Film Posters!

In partnership with Park Circus films, we’re giving away three exclusive posters for festive films that have become as synonymous with the Christmas season as Santa Claus or injuries at a black Friday sale. The holiday wouldn’t be complete without a cosy revisiting of Frank Capra’s 1946 gem It’s A Wonderful Life, Brian Henson’s mischievous rehash The […]


News: Competition Announcement!

With the launch of the new site and the fact Christmas is nearly upon us, all of us at The Big Picture are feeling rather festive and full of good tidings. So, it’s competition time! We are giving away 3 copies of ‘Rosebud Sleds and Horses’ Heads: 50 of Film’s Most Evocative Objects’ by Scott […]

Feature On Location

On Location: Fremont Street as featured in ‘Koyaanisqatsi’ (Dir. Godfrey Reggio, 1982)

As we prepare for the publication of World Film Locations: Las Vegas next month – the latest in our series of books exploring the relationship between the city and cinema– Marco Bohr examines one of the many evocative moments in Godfrey Reggio’s masterly medidation of life, Koyaanisqatsi. In Godfrey Reggio’s Koyaanisqatsi, a group of middle-aged […]

Lost Classic Reviews

Lost Classic: Freud (John Huston 1962)

My psychiatrist recently asked me to pinpoint the thing in my life that most annoys me. After considering the Go Compare! advertising campaign, people with trolley suitcases and the widespread habit among teens of always ending their sentences on a rising diphthong, I finally decided: it really annoys me when the films of master directors […]


Screengem: Seth Brundle’s Telepods

From Blade Runner‘s sky traffic to Star Trek‘s starships, science-fiction cinema has often invented futuristic methods of transportation – and the most futuristic of all is teleportation. Unlike the utopian visions of Starfleet crew beaming aboard The Enterprise surrounded by a mist of glistening light, David Cronenberg’s remake of The Fly suggests a more dangerous, […]

Feature On Location

On Location: Still Shining after 30 years

      Thirty years have passed since Stanley Kubrick’s adaptation of the Stephen King novel first hit the box office, to a rather lukewarm reception from both critics and the horror author himself. King made no secret of his displeasure at several aspects of the film, famously stating: “The real problem is that Kubrick […]


Dearly departed: A theory on queer stereotypes in film

With popular Oscar-nominated films like Milk, Brokeback Mountain and , everything in cinema these days seems to be coming up queer. It was recently reported that even Brad Pitt now wants a gay role to increase his credibility-factor. This heightening of gay/lesbian/queer/transgendered/bisexual representation in dominant culture has been delighting modern, progressive society for some time now, bolstered […]


If a film wins an Oscar, but nobody saw it, does it make a sound?

When Chris Rock hosted the 77th Annual Academy Awards, a pre-filmed segment flashed across the screen. Edited for giggles, it showed a microphone-equipped Rock smirking mischievously as he wandered around a Los Angeles cinema asking regular Joes which movies they’d paid to see that year. To refresh our collective short-term memories, films like Finding Neverland, Ray, […]

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