Double Bill Feature

Double Bill: Another Round & Riders of Justice

Whatever your very own personal take on the whole concept of travel in the pandemic/lockdown era, you will probably agree film is one of the safest and most rewarding ways to see the sights, out and about, out of yourself when you’re sick of your stinky boots. One of my favourite destinations in cinema year […]


Best of the Decade: 2010-2014

How does one go about choosing the best films of the year, let alone of the decade? Several of our regular contributors took on this daunting task, and the eclectic results attest to ten years of remarkable films. Share your favorites with us @BigPicFilmMag. 2010 13 Assassins (Dir. Takashi Miike) A group of assassins, 13 […]

Lost Classic Reviews

Lost Classic: Valhalla Rising (Nicolas Winding Refn, 2009)

If “art is an act of violence” as the uncompromising Nicolas Winding Refn has attested, then his vicious Viking abstraction Valhalla Rising must surely belong in the Louvre. Cut to the bone in terms of narrative and dialogue, the only thing harsher than the inevitability of (often brutal) death in Refn’s powerful and primeval journey […]

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