An adaptation of a short story by Ernest Hemingway, Robert Siodmak’s The Killers (1946), is a tour de force of the noir genre, one that covers a wide range of noir themes and noir locations, a story with a cruel and twisted plot, in which a young but broken-down prize-fighter takes a perilous path to […]
Tag: john huston
At the grand old age of 73, Hollywood veteran John Huston was still enamoured by social misfits, rebels and loners, and in adapting Flannery O’Connor’s 1952 debut novel Wise Blood Huston portrayed another of the idiosyncratic individualists that often took centre stage in his films. O’Connor’s Southern Gothic tale of disillusioned army vet cum street […]
My psychiatrist recently asked me to pinpoint the thing in my life that most annoys me. After considering the Go Compare! advertising campaign, people with trolley suitcases and the widespread habit among teens of always ending their sentences on a rising diphthong, I finally decided: it really annoys me when the films of master directors […]